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executive margin

executive margin
is an invitation-only program for high-performing executives

find additional margin in your leadership capability

the program

  • your team
    you become part of a development triad focused on professional growth — you, your ph.d. business psychologist coach, and your licensed behavioral therapist
  • performance coaching
    you can choose from any of our ph.d. business psychologists to join your development triad, allowing you to chart your path and maximize your professional trajectory
  • mental wellbeing
    you can choose from any of our licensed therapists to join your development triad, allowing underlying cognitive and behavioral improvements to reshape the way you interact within your environment and break down hidden barriers to your success
  • starting
    the program begins with an eight-week intensive review of your needs with individual meetings with your professional coach and separate therapy sessions focused on your mental well-being — these initial sessions create alignment and help define your objectives and potential
  • ongoing
    the triad collaborates to develop an ongoing management strategy to continue professional growth and support achieving your goals

if you are interested in participating in this exclusive program, let us know

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copyright 2025 opnmynd llc 

clinical services provided by mindloft family therapy incorporated

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